Brain tumours and headaches – Tribune Online


Can brain tumours cause headaches on one side of the head or must it always occur on both sides of the head?

Chijioke (by SMS)


Certain brain tumors can cause headaches on one side of the head. Pain, however, associated with a space-occupying mass in the brain is most often due to the fact that the brain is housed within very the restrictive space of the skull and it is the pressure that arises from an expanding mass that ultimately produces constant pain. It’s important to note here that pain is most often a late-stage symptom of a tumor within the brain for the reason explained above because the brain tissues themselves are not innervated.

If you are experiencing protracted headaches. Then the most prudent thing to do is to simply make an appointment with your doctor to undergo direct examination and evaluation. It is far more likely that your headaches are associated with tension or migraine syndrome than the far more rare instance of a brain tumor.

READ ALSO: Headaches, blurred vision may sometimes be silent signs of hypertension

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