One thing that is being advocated these days for marital stability is regular s3x. This becomes more interesting due to the health angle being attached to regular s3x: it makes for better health for a couple. This is looked at from the angle of two cancerous situations of the prostate and the breast about the husband and wife respectively. While many women suffer from breast cancer, its counterpart ailment for men is prostate cancer. Interestingly, both have now come to be linked to irregular s3x lives of men and women. That is, husbands and wives to be precise in the light of our focus in this column.
The status today is that if the issues of breast cancer and prostate cancer will be deftly dealt with, regular s3x must be given a topmost priority in marriage. So, efforts are on the increase as to how to get married couples to have s3x regularly since it’s almost too obvious that irregular s3x has become the order of the day in many marriages.
One hindrance to regular s3x in marriage is that many wives are not keen on requesting s3x from their husbands. They would rather suffer in silence than make the first move for s3x, even though they are horny. And the amazing thing is that once in the act, though without requesting it, they put up an unbelievable performance that can pass for maximum enjoyment for them. I think it’s one reason why women are called pretenders in the matter of s3x. They act as if they don’t want it, and once in the act, it’s a different ball game altogether, with an unusual display of passion. I don’t want to touch ringing tones in the bedroom today.
The truth about s3x is that wives still struggle with making the first move for it. Though they want s3x, they rarely make advances for it with their husbands. I know more wives are finding a way around it, but such are in the minority. Generally, wives shy away from making s3xual advances in the marriage. Even those who engage in s3x talk among them also struggle with making s3xual advances as well.
What are s3xual advances?
This has to do with ways of communicating sexual desire in marriage. There are various ways of doing this, and some of them are:
*Wearing of s3xy dresses in the house or the bedroom as the case may be. Even dressing well for outings provokes the husbands to look the way of the wives, with the thought of “She is attractive and beautiful. I can’t wait to have her”. Or haven’t you heard of husbands who double-crossed their wives after dressing up for outings? They couldn’t resist the tempter in the outfits of their wives.
*S3x talk. Just saying something sexy to him sets the tone for a need to have s3x.
*Nudity postures in bed are a good signal that the wife is horny tonight and ready for a great match on the bed. Even if there is a sitting posture on the sofa, the husband will not miss the s3x message in it
*Watching love movies in the house can set the tone for a night of great s3x.
*S3xual touches make room for s3x to happen. Wives who have learned to touch their husbands s3xually know that regular s3x will be always around the corner.
*Direct s3xual assault on your husband will create an exciting scene and signal for s3x, on the spur of the moment. Just say it as it is. After all, it’s all yours. Verbalizing it like “ let’s make love tonight” will turn the s3x machine in the husband loose, any time, any day.
But what ails the wives that they struggle with making s3xual advances in marriage?
*Fear of being turned down. Human beings don’t like being rejected. It dampens one’s spirit. Some wives confided in counselors that they once asked their husbands for s3x, but were turned down. Since then, it’s over with making the first move. They would rather suffer in silence than go through that route again.
*Fear of being tagged a s3x maniac. Some wives have been badmouthed simply because they showed this desire for s3x more than their husbands. How do you expect such to make s3xual advances towards their husbands? It’s a dilemma for them.
*Fear of being taken for a ride. The husband puts up the attitude of “She will soon ask for it when I close up.” Every wife wants to be chased for s3x. It’s a signal that she is still attractively hot with her husband and still “in the market.”
*Staying in the traditional mode of “It’s wrong making the first move”. Traditionally, females are trained not to make the first move towards a man, either for marriage or for s3x. The undertone belief is that doing so makes her look cheap and easy to get. That mentality, coupled with religious beliefs, is hindering wives from making the first move for s3x.
All of the above make wives struggle with making s3xual advances in the marriage.
However, my take on this is that nothing should make a wife struggle with making s3xual advances towards her husband. They belong to each other and are meant for themselves. It’s a risk that is worth taking. It’s too risky not to take such a risk. It’s a breeding ground for infidelity. If you know what to do and how to ask for money, asking for s3x should be as simple as ABC.
For me, the greatest motivation for asking for s3x is being horny. On a horny day, women will stop at nothing to leak honey anywhere, anyhow. Many have been caught off guard by infidelity simply because they were horny on a day when the wrong person showed up around them. So, let the horny days motivate wives to call the shot for s3x with their husbands.
My books ‘Enjoying Great S3x Life’ and ‘How To Help Your Wife Enjoy S3x’ are still available for sale. contact 08112658560 for details. SMS only please.
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